Crazy day at work.
First order of business - I have good news and I have bad news.
The bad news is...a small kitten (about three months old) came in on an emergency due to being attacked in the night by some unknown creature...probably another cat, or even a raccoon. She was in pretty bad shape...lots of blood and mrs crying. It was not nice. Our lady dr did her best, and by lunch hour she was starting to turn around. She mewed and shifted, and even opened her eyes a little bit. We were all overjoyed! We managed to save a little baby cat's life. It was delightful...until later that afternoon, when my colleague mentioned to me that the mrs' daughter and son would be coming by later to pick up the remains. I gasped. Audibly, so it's a good thing no one was in the foyer waiting. Apparently, it just so happened that while being outside all night, kitten got a bad case of pneumonia or something like that, and being gradually warmed up raised her body temperature enough for her sickness to really take hold and kick her to the curb. So, we didn't really save a kitty. It really isn't fair.
More bad news. I booked a euthanasia appointment for a dog I know (not personally, but as far as the clinic's concerned, I know of this dog). It was kind of sad...since the dog's 16 and he isn't doing so well anyway, but since everyone thought he'd be the "old man" who stuck it out. He gave it his all, he really did. So that's happening tomorrow. It'll be hard...since it's the first euth I'll have done start to finish.
Now for the good news!
As of today, my semi-temporary 6 month only job became permanent! I was so happy. We're still not sure if the original girl that I'm replacing is coming back, but regardless, I have a permanent job now! Another of my colleagues is moving away next June with her husband, so I get to stick around! It's awesome.
More good news...I met a little puppy who was just so sweet and wiggly and cute, and loves to snuggle! I helped trim her nails (okay, I held her, but it was still awesome). And I met a little kitten who was thought to be a girl, but really turned out to be a boy. So that was kind of a serendipity jolt to the afternoon.
And then, after all that, the phone kept ringing off the hook, and driving everyone crazy! It just wouldn't stop! And I sold so much Advantage today I now know where in the clinic it resides and how to "fill" the order myself...the Techs pretty much said (while dealing with the emergency) "it's over there on that shelf, grab what you need." So now I can do it on my own!
Anyway, time for today's lyric, quote, and picture. Despite the rather depressing end to the day, I'm still in a chipper mood and will probably sleep well tonight.
Lyric: "Look at us, baby, look at us now." - Look at us, Sarina Paris
Okay. No quote, since I can't think of one.
Picture: Yep. That's about it.