
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I have a cat on my lap

It's true, I do. And he keeps trying to groom my arm. However, it's very cute, and I'll allow it. :)
Soon, I will be recieving my beautiful baby corn snake, who I have named Stellaluna (luna, stella, or lulu for short). She's a snow morph, which means she looks just like an albino, which is what I wanted in the first place. She's possibly the cutest faced snake I've ever seen.
After a day out, I am finally going to try and finish this entry.
Anyway, my little Lulu will be joining our family on Monday evening. I went out today with my best friend and we purchased Lulu's new home, as well as a heating pad for the bottom, to keep her temperature regulated. So I am very, very excited to meet her, and give her the best life I can. Following Uylsses death, I've decided not to get another betta fish until I am settled with Stellaluna, no matter how much I want another one to go on top of my dresser. Right now I'm going to save up for a lovely stand for Stellaluna's tank. For the moment she's going to be staying in the ledge in my closet (that comes up because of the stairwell). It's the best I can do right away, since her setup, not including how much I spent on her, and her mice, was almost $250. If I add in the cost for her mice and herself, it'd go up to almost $400. She's worth it, I just don't have anything else left over for a stand for her tank.
Besides that, on Saturday I worked my first full day in the back of the vet, or "treatment" room, where the doctors and technicians spend most of their time. It was both interesting and eye-opening. My coworker was so helpful and always answered all my questions. She has been my saving grace a couple times now, considering I nipped a kitty's foot pad while trimming his nails and she took the fall; when I fainted she took care of me; when I almost got bit by a kitty who was in pain (I didn't know when I lifted her). Long story short, she helps me out, and I'm grateful. It was fun, but not something I'd want to do absolutely every day. It's okay once in a while though. At least now I know how to draw vaccines, hold animals appropriately, clean surgical equipment, etc.  So when the doctor's need an extra hand I can do more things. I have yet to learn how to draw blood or place a catheter or set up IV fluids, but maybe I'll learn those things next week! We'll see.
Now I have two kitties on me! Both curled up and sleeping. Phoenix has taken to sleeping on my feet. <3
I've been walking to work lately, and despite how my legs tend to ache afterwards, I feel good about it. It takes me about 45 minutes to get there, so it's a decent walk. It's better than biking, in my opinion, and gives me a chance to be alone with my music each day. It sounds silly, but sometimes I miss just walking around, listening to music, without really anything else to think about. It's like zoning out. The walking does tire me out to an extent, but otherwise it's a good thing and I want to keep doing it. As the weather improves, so will my fitness level and overall mood (so I hope).
I think that's it for this one. If there was ever a song to describe how things are right now, it would be "Bliss" by Muse.