
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some Catching Up

Once again, excerpts from the little journal I write in when I'm bored at work. Because I'm not creative.
Three euths today. Lots of tears. I was thankful not to be present for the second one  - a rottie with a retarded gait and a magical personality that made everyone smile -, all the best ones go before their time. This one passed from a struggle with bone cancer.
We were crazy busy this morning and now there's nothing to do.
There's a new doctor visiting today - I wonder if she'll replace our main doctor? I hope she won't replace our female doctor who is out due to injury! She seems nice, though. I hope she'll stick around.

I am by myself and there is nothing going on. Yesterday there was a flurry of busyness; today was a similar morning but now I've done all my phone calls and pulled all the files and now I'm bored. Maybe after this appointment leaves I will put stickers on our food stock.
I have yet to get my 3 month reception review - the office manager's son hurt his ankle last week and the staff meeting (and my review) was cancelled. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that now I'm obsessing and panicking needlessly over it because it hasn't happened yet.
This weekend was interesting - Boyfriend met my mom and brother but apparently bringing a guy over, just the two of us, wasn't a clear enough message that we're dating. She actually emailed my sister to ask if we were "just friends" or not. Yeesh.
Well, my sister's coming back this weekend and there will be much Just Dance playing and probably some alcohol consumption and most likely a lot of Tim Horton's mochas. :3
But Boyfriend is not allowed to sleep over - we almost went all the way last weekend, but there's no way anyone could tell, it was like 4 am. Pssh. I said it wouldn't happen and it didn't. They're just being sticks in the mud.
I did get paranoid and had a horrifying pregnancy dream last night. My mom was in it for the delivery portion of the dream - I supposedly "passed out" and when I woke up, there she was. I'm unsure of the name, but something's pulling me towards 'Ella Rose'. I wouldn't name my daughter that, but it served its purpose in the dream, apparently. Plus the dream leaned more towards how much pain I was apparently in following the delivery. I don't remember too much about it, but for some reason there were difficulties. But our little 'Ella Rose' was so beautiful - beauty in its greatest form, for sure. Why is it that every time I have a "baby" dream, it's a girl, but every time it's a "kid/teen" dream, it's a boy? Weird.
Anyway, I am constantly trouble-shooting names. I know it's weak but I have three dreams - to be an author, to own a no-kill shelter/e-vet/adoption facility/sanctuary/rescue, and to be a mother. I can't wait for my dreams to come true, and having names on my mind is just part of that dream and that desire for them to become real. Back to my point. I've always wanted to encorporate "Pearl", in honor of my granny who was such an inspiration to be growing up. But if I honor one grandmother shouldn't I honor the second? Problem is, while one is "Lolita Pearl", the other is "Flora Byriad". My gran's name is a little dated. Perhaps "Flora" would be nicer than "Pearl". Or I'll pull a my mom and use them both (my brother's full name encorporates both my grandfathers). Or maybe I'll cancel them altogether. I don't know yet. And I've always loved the name "Alice" but it might be too direct to Alice In Wonderland. I don't know where "Ella Rose" came from. It's pretty, but it's not perfect.
I think I may finally be bleeding. Whew, what a relief.
Nope, nothing yet. Come on Mother Nature, quit toying with me!
Why does it feel like it's been such a long week? It's only Tuesday!
I have to buy cat food today. Ugh. That means I'll have to walk home with it too. Oh well. My hungry kitties will love me for it.
Ella Rose is haunting me. I can't stop thinking about her lovely little face.
I can't have a baby at 20! But I also can't have an abortion.
I'm obviously overreacting. It's not like we even did anything. Yikes! Can you say over-active imagination? That dream just shook me. And she stayed with me.
My coworker (head client advisor) actually wrote up a newsletter for me to read about my too-long, rambling appointment notes. Yeesh. I guess my poor quality, on-and-on writing style has carried over into work. Come on, receptionist brain! Let's get things a little better here.
Long entry today. A testiment to my rambling, run-on brain. And my senseless rambling. Delightful.