101. Who would you most like to be like if you could change your personality?
Well, maybe not any particular person, but I'd like to be someone who is outgoing, patient, and not so dark. If I could change my personality, I would be not so shy, not so introverted, and not so odd.
102. If you were born in another time, what time would you choose and why?
I would probably choose the Elizabethan Golden Age. I'd always wanted to be part of her court - she is one of my historic idols.
103. Where would you most like to watch the sun come up? Why?
At the ocean. I know it sounds corny, but it really is the best view. You can sit on the logs and get an unobstructed view of all the colors that occur with the sunrise. It's magnificent!
104. How do you think instant riches will affect your family and friendships?
Meaning, winning the lottery or something? Well, I think that if I was to win a lot of money, life would get pretty interesting. I'd probably buy a house and a dog, pay off all my debts, give my parents enough to pay off theirs...as for how it will affect my relationships, wouldn't it just get better? I mean, I'm not going to leave town and be a "rich snob" or anything. I'd set myself up to enjoy the life I'm currently living, a little more. With a real house, a dog, a yard. Maybe start putting away for when I have a baby. Because damn, I want a baby so badly.
105. How do you think the sudden loss of millions would affect your family and friendships?
Oh, I don't know.
106. How do you imagine people would move to Mars in the event of a world wide catastrophe?
Probably by rocket?
107. If you were elected president, what do you think would be your most difficult tasks?
First, getting the people to believe in what I'm saying. The president has a hard time getting people to listen to him. Second, the war. It seems to be one of the biggest issues in America, closely followed by poverty and a poor healthcare system.
108. Describe something you feel most passionate about to a complete stranger.
Writing is to me what painting is to an artist. It's a love hate relationship. Its something that I try, and fail, to control. It is my calling, and at the same time, it's something that I loathe. I look at my work and want to burn it, but at the same time I want to publish it and see what other people think. My poetry is the worst. Usually it just flows freely but sometimes it takes real work to convey what I intend to convey. It's bad and it's good.
109. Describe your favourite memory about an amusement park or country fair that you visited.
I guess seeing baby chicks at the PNE in Vancouver. Some of the eggs were wiggling :3
110. When was the last time you lied and why.
Meh, I don't know. ;P