
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Look at you

Another new song for my un-readers today.
As you may or may not know, I have an ongoing love affair with Rufus Wainwright. His music is one of the few that can stir me to tears, and there's nothing better than music that can make you feel. He's incredibly talented, and this is his newest song "out of the game".
Alright, down to business.
Lots has happened and I want to share it with whoever actually reads this. Yesterday my roommate and I put down our deposit on our new home. Okay, so it's not really a "home" if you're renting it, but it's as close as we can get. We're going shopping tonight too to secure the last of our kitchen items (dishes, glasses, microwave, etc). I love having things that I actually need to buy, rather than just things to pay for. It's more fun that way. Of course there's the inevitable bills too, but those will all get taken care of as they come. I discovered that my new credit card is accepted at and I'm stoked to eventually order Six Feet Under seasons and Queer As Folk. Eventually.
Once I get my loan paid off I'll have an extra $100 per month that I can put towards credit card payments, so I can start using it more often, paying it off on time, and building good credit ratings. Yay! Look at me being an adult and stuff.
Today is gorgeous out, so I'm probably going to put on some eyeliner and powder and take my doggie for a walk. Sounds lovely. The sky is so blue. Campbell River storms are worth seeing the blue in the spring time. No wonder this time of year is my favorite!