
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Health and GF Update.

Hey guys.
I'm still not sure if anyone actually reads my online journal, but I thought I'd do a quick update on my thoughts and my health, mental and physical.
Ever since I started a Gluten Free journey about a year ago, I have discovered that I'm passionate about finding out where food comes from. I would be lying, however, if I said I didn't still cheat and order things like pasta and pizza, eat chocolate and drink Tim Hortons every day. But for the most part, I'm becoming very cautious and aware of what I'm purchasing and putting in my house and my body. For example, I'm paying close attention to recycled materials, organic stamps or labels, and once my local Sunday market comes back you can bet I'll be frequenting it for local produce. 
I am in no way saying this to be snobby - but there are so many people on this planet that see a burger and fries from a fast food joint as a staple in their diet. You know that they're aware it's not the "smart" choice. But they do it anyway.
Since going gluten free, I haven't been able to order the foods I would usually order. I haven't been able to eat burgers, take away pizzas, crazy bread, pasta, bagels, sandwiches, etc. The list goes on. Of course there are so many GF versions of these foods now. And for a treat, these are great to have in the house. But they're just not the same, and there's a reason for that. Human beings were never meant to consume wheat, really. They were never meant to consume genetically modified corn and apples sprayed with wax and pesticides. God forbid a bug crawl on your fruit. That's why you wash it, right?
I don't know. And I'm by no means an expert. And I'm kind of getting off track.
My point to all this rambling is this: whole foods will improve your health. Consuming whole, well-produced foods will work wonders on your body. You know that after eating a large, fatty or starchy meal you feel like crap. You feel that way for a reason. 
I'm making an effort to include more whole foods in my life, and I think so many other people could benefit from doing the same thing. It's not hurting anyone! Actually, it would probably hurt less. I'm not saying veganism or paleoism or gluten free living is for everyone. It seems there's a new diet trend out there for people from all walks of life these days. You can read online, pick up a book, watch a video about any kind of lifestyle you wish. But who says you should conform to being any one of these things? Why can't you just eat wholesome foods that make you feel good and make your body into what you want it to be? 
Most of us want to lose weight. I'm included in that bracket - no one is perfect and I do have pounds to lose. I'm not saying I don't. By implementing a raw, whole food diet into my regular life, I feel that I'm helping myself get better. And if one person can do that, so can others. 
There are so many helping hands out there these days.
Anyway, let me go into a bit more detail of some switches I've been using lately to help progress into a raw food diet over the next year or so. 
It took me almost a year to go Gluten Free and learn about the lifestyle and what wheat does to my body. I know now that I can't eat gluten, and that I feel like absolute shit on a stick if I do (accidentally, or otherwise). I haven't intentionally eaten gluten in months, but I did have an attack by a restaurant back in January which was absolutely brutal. I've learned so much and I want to keep learning. Here's a few changes I've been slowly making in my diet, home, life. I hope they help you too.

Give up: Tim Hortons Mocha
Try this: Double Double Tim Hortons Coffee
I only drink one of these on an average day, and sometimes we don't go at all. I mostly have these in the morning at work. I used to order a mocha all the time - and I know that a double double still involves processed white sugar and dairy cream - but it's better than half hot chocolate. It's fewer calories, less fat and less sugar. This is one vice I allow myself - I am not the same person without morning coffee! I hope in the next year to slowly get away from the sugar entirely. Or, to ask for just cream and add my own agave or something instead of the white sugar. I've become very in love with coffee and I don't want that love to end...I usually just have the one cup a day.

Give up: Processed fruit juices
Try this: Fruit waters
I haven't had a lot of orange juice lately. Instead I've been cutting up a lemon, and/or a handful of blueberries or raspberries, sometimes cucumber, and putting that in either a large glass or small pitcher in the fridge overnight. I've been drinking that instead of fruit juice from the store. The best part? You're getting additional hydration, it tastes great, is really cheap to make, and you can use any fruit you want! I've seen these done with herbs too - like mint. You can always blend a fruit juice and strain it, but I don't have a high speed blender (or at least one with a high enough speed), so I've been doing the "fruit infused" waters instead.

Give up: Brown sugar (in teas) - I still use these sugars for baking etc
Try this: Agave syrup
 I've become a lover of agave lately. Some I like more than others. And I like this better in chai tea then anything else. I'd rather have chai than another tea anyway. But I'll get to that. My favourite is the Nectave one, but it's only available for purchase in bulk. So when I see it at Winners, I grab as many as they have. I love the flavor of this one. There's another brand I get at the grocery store too, and I keep a bottle of the vanilla agave at work for coffee if I happen to have some there - which isn't too often, as I usually need to buy a creamer too. Anyway. This stuff is really sweet - the one I'm currently using says "25% sweeter than sugar, so you don't have to use as much". And they aren't lying. I know when I've put too much in. Since I don't like honey, this is a good alternative to more processed sugars, and I don't care for artificial sweetener. However, agave isn't for everyone. It's actually high in sugar, so if you're diabetic, this won't work for you (I know this only because my mom is, so she can't use it). Otherwise I really like using this in tea or coffee, and I feel better knowing that it's organic.

Give up: Windex, or other chemical-based cleaners
Try this:  Green, organic, or chemical free cleaner, like IQ, Method, PC Organics
I don't use most chemical-based cleaners anymore. The only things I haven't found a replacement for is drano, which is pretty difficult to find a working one that's organic, my laundry detergent (the one I have is the only one that hasn't made me itchy!) and the wetjet refills for my Swiffer. I use PC Organics toilet bowl cleaner (works just as well as Lysol!), IQ grapefruit bathroom cleaner and green tea all purpose cleaner, and Bath and Body Works hand soaps - which aren't organic, but they are at least cruelty free, and I really like them. This one holds true of tissues, toilet paper, paper towel, and the like. Even my cat litter says it's biodegradable. Eventually I want to get a cat genie so I don't have to throw litter away at all.

Give up: Cheap, processed chocolate
Try this: Organic, fair trade chocolate
Chocolate companies use way too much crap in their treats. It's not necessary - organic chocolate comes pretty close in price (not exactly, but if you think about it, it's pretty reasonable), and is usually fair trade too. I like the Camino, Green Black, and Endangered Species varieties. Yes, I still buy crappy chocolate sometimes. But I'm conscious of what I'm doing, and if I'm in the grocery store and get hit by my sweet tooth, I make a point of checking out the organic section. You can usually find vegan versions too.
Give up: Kraft Dinner, Sidekicks, other boxed meals
Try this: Annie's organic macaroni and cheese/GF varieties 
Who said healthy food can't taste good? When I'm really lazy and want something warm and comforting, I usually check my GF cupboard for a box of Annie's Organic. There are two GF varieties, a traditional mac and cheese and then a shells and white cheddar, which I prefer. These make a quick and easy meal that usually feed two portions or if I'm only cooking for myself, dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day. There are so many kinds for everyone else too, so if you're looking for something new, I seriously recommend looking at these the next time you're in the store. Yes, they are more expensive than regular KD, but they are certified organic, and for someone like myself who actually can't eat KD anymore, they're a great option.

These are just a few of the swaps I've made in everyday life. Let me know down below if you're interested in seeing more. I'm sure I could come up with a ton of posts about this.
Thanks for reading...