
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Monday, August 13, 2012

So Many Questions (1)

1. What is your interpretation of one of your recent dreams?
My most recent dream was two nights ago. I dreamt myself and my roommate were seeing some old friends from high school, and one classmate threw herself off a balcony, descending several stories to her messy death. I don't know why I dreamt this, considering I wasn't particuarly good friends with this girl in question, but ironically when I was browsing twitter and facebook the next day I was instantly relieved when I saw a post or two from her. It was like a confirmation that no, she really wasn't dead. Thank goodness. I guess my interpretation is my subconcious worries about people it doesn't even realize it means to worry about? I don't know. I'm not very good at interpretations.

2. What does death teach us about life?
Of course I could go with the classic "that it's precious, and that nothing lasts forever" response. I was sorely tempted. But upon further thought, I'll go with this: life is a mystery. Death is always looming, always constant, always a factor in things that we do. It's a certain luck to get through a day without dying. Considering all the accidents that happen, all the panicked adolescents that shoot up high schools, all the foolish suicide bombers, all the idiots that think it'll be a smart idea to rob a convenience store with a gun, we're all lucky to be alive. Life is precious, but now and again it's questionable. Besides, I am of a belief that when you die, you are reincarnated. Yes, your body rots in the ground. You don't go to Heaven, you don't go to Hell (in my opinion). But your soul...that piece of you that isn't determined by genes or decisions made before you, that carries on to live another life in another body. Comforting, isn't it?

3.When you look at an elderly person's hand, what do you see?
Again, I could go with the classic approach here. But since I had always been fascinated with my grandmother's hands, I will choose my own route. When I looked at her hands, I saw many things - years of wear, wrinkles, manicured fingernails (she always kept them long and tidy), bruises on occaision (older people bruise easily, and my grandmother was always bumping into things, shutting her hands in things, just getting bumps and bruises along the way). I see the years behind her hands, I see the work she did with them as a young girl, I see the pieces she played at the piano when we were children. I was most fascinated when she was playing the piano.

4.What disease known to humankind do you hate most? Explain why.
This one's undisputed. Cancer. I loathe cancer as it took from me a few family members and it kills so many others. I don't know one person who isn't effected by it in some way. I would elaborate, but that's all I feel I need to say about this.

5. What was your last dream about?
See above (number 1).

6. What seemed unusual on your morning commute today?
Today's my day off. Snicker

7. Tell me about an old friend you've lost touch with.
Growing up, I  had few friends, but my best friend moved away to Alberta when we were in grade 3, and I missed him dearly. I still ponder what became of him now and again, but never managed to get in touch with him again. Since then I have evolved and made new friends by the time I hit grade 6, but he was my first best friend.

8. What's your earliest holiday memory?
Birthdays don't count, do they? Because I remember my first birthday cake. As holidays go, I remember getting a bike for one Christmas (my sister and I both recieved our first bike as our Christmas gift, and excitedly raced them around the garage to the glee of our parents - we had already been taught to ride, we simply didn't have bikes of our own). I also remember what I was dressed up as for most halloweens - not the year specifically, just what I was dressed as.

9. What's your favourite charitable cause and why?
I would say the SPCA, but we have a love/hate relationship. They do a lot of good; a hell of a lot of good. But they euthanize for reasons such as "old age", "ringworm", "failed behavioural assessment". So despite all the good things they do for the animals, and the care they have for their wellbeing, the euthanasia is something that's difficult to get over. At least, working where I do, I know that it's painless for the animal, and they don't suffer (as opposed to older, outdated practices for pet control).

10. What do you think your life will be like 10 years from now?
Well, I'll have been to my 10 year high school reunion, I probably will be living somewhere different (though the idea at this moment is unpalatable), I hope I will have gotten somewhere with my life. Hey, maybe I'll be in a lovely house with a dog and a baby (or two!) and my husband. Maybe I'll still be working at the vet clinic, renting townhouses, snuggling my (now older) baby-cat, living with my roommate. Maybe I'll be broke. Maybe I'll be dead! Who knows. That's part of the adventure. I never thought, 2 years ago, that I'd be where I am. So it's all part of this life that I'm trying to make my way through.

Alright, I think that's all I'm going to do for now. Eventually I'll finish this load of questions I found on Stumble-Upon...but there's like 500, and I plan to do some indepth answers for them, so who knows how long it'll take me. 10 at a time seems reasonable.