Good afternoon, internet people!
So on Day 4, I was reminded that I have a birthday dinner to go to this weekend, and while I know how to work the menu and have something as clean and veggie based as possible, the timing falls on the last cleanse day. Also, weirdly enough, I was way too hungry yesterday. So what i decided to do instead was a 4.5 day cleanse, so I could do this birthday dinner (not my birthday, btw).
So yesterday I actually had 8 juices rather than 6, which worked out because it ended up being a bit of a longer day. This way, too, I wasn't getting hungry later in the night and end up eating something because I ran out of juice. I spaced it as normal, and drank more water of course to compensate.
Today (day 5), I have 4 juices to space over the morning and afternoon. So that's my plan of attack for today, it seems to be working so far. This may be considered cheating, but it's the only way I could do all the things I intended to in the first place.
I'm proud of myself for making it this far. Tomorrow I'll be posting my overview and thoughts about the cleanse in general, anything else I experienced, and if I would do it again!
Thanks for reading! xx