
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Monday, August 20, 2012

So Many Questions (3)

21. Did you do something today that you can be proud of?
I went to work...I'm not sure if that counts.

22. What is one thing that you are grateful for today?
The fact that life goes on. Despite long days, silly mistakes, and aching bones, life continues, and I will wake up tomorrow to do it all over again.

23. Did something happen to make you sad?
Part of me wants to say yes, today we euthanized a couple of sweet dogs. The other part of me says no, I am just sad because I am just sad.

24. Who is the one relative that you miss the most?
My gran (mom's mom). We were quite close...rather, she was close with the three of us. I miss her all the time.

25. What would you say to them if you could see them again?
I would tell her I love her, I miss her, that she taught me so much and I was never grateful for it as a child as I should have been. I would ask to hear more stories of her childhood. I would ask to hear more stories of my mom's childhood; my childhood. I would ask her to repeat the stories she's already told, so I could remember them better than I do now.

26. Why is it important to be genuine?
I'm a relatively honest person, or so I like to think. I think if everyone was genuine, the world would have less war and more peace. If everyone told the truth, was honest, was true from the start, things would be a little better. Maybe we'd be more advanced as a race. Because let's face it, we as humans are killing this planet and each other. Why can't everyone just be good?

27. Why do you think wars exist in this world?
Again, I am split on this one. Part of me wants to coyly say, "read what I just wrote for question 26". The other part of me wants to actually answer this question, differently from question 26. I'm going to go with the latter choice, in the interest of content for this post. Anyway, I think that wars exist because first and foremost, men are bored. Let's create jobs for people by employing them in the field of making artillery for war. That's why wars never end - its economically promising. Sick, isn't it, that we make money off people dying (then again, look at funeral homes)? But I'm getting off track here (again). The other reason, besides men being bored and war creating jobs, is that men are simple creatures (in reality, all human beings are), and they get their egos bruised, and HAVE to one-up the competition. Look at America and Russia and nuclear arms, all those years ago. Everyone just wanted to be better than the other. They ended up having to call a truce or the amount of nuclear warfare would have taken out not only the enemy in question, but also the rest of the planet. Ridiculous.

28. Why would we say that someone is "bananas"?
I could go literal here and say, well, they're crazy. Messed up in the head. Fucked up. Retarded. Nuts. But the list goes on, and really I don't think that's what it means. I think it means someone's different enough to be mistaken for one of the terms listed above. I would choose words like unique. Different. Cool. Kooky. Interesting.

29.Why do you think the ability to focus is an important quality?
If you can't focus, you can't relax. That's the way I see it. If you're at work all day, focused hard on so many things at once, you exhaust yourself, and you come home and lie on the couch, or go for a walk, or write useless blog posts that nobody reads. You de-stress from the chaos of the day, from focusing on everything at the same time. You focus on one or two things, or nothing at all, to detox yourself. If you don't focus in the first place, how on earth are you going to relax?

30. Explain why we say, "dead as a doornail".
Perhaps because doornails just hang there, limp, until someone lifts them. That sounds spiritual of me, I'm sorry. I'm going metaphorical, not spiritual, but I don't know how else to explain what I mean. I think that's what a doornail is, right? The thing you use to knock on the door with? Heavy and usually ornate? I don't know, and I'm too lazy to look it up (refer to question 29 regarding detoxing for more on this constant laziness of mine).