
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh Hey

I slept in till noon with my kitty on me, and showered, did laundry, made tea, and have not since left the couch besides to refill my tea and switch the laundry. Phoenix has slept next to me almost all day. I love my baby-cat. <3
Successful day off is successful. I just have three more days of work and then a three day weekend over Victoria Day! I'm pretty excited for that. I had 2 days off in a row last week but before that I hadn't had 2 days in a row for weeks. Now I get a three day weekend and I'm very excited to have some downtime - especially with my roommate, who doesn't work the stat holiday either, so we'll have a full two days together. Usually we're only able to do anything together on Sundays, but this week we'll have both Sunday and Monday. That makes me very happy - our work schedules are usually the same, but lately I've been working every Saturday, and she gets weekends off.
I'm watching Bones again...and it's the episode Brennan proposes to Booth that she wants a baby, but no husband, and wants his sperm. Haha. Watching Booth be uncomfortable is hilarious! All he's going to do all episode is squirm under Brennan's anthropological logic as to why they should have a baby together.
Anyway, I took some pictures of the kitties yesterday that I'll post (because I'm a crazy cat lady, doi).
Phoenix's eyes always get so wide when he's near a window. I think it's his favourite spot (the window changes occaisionally).
He likes to chew on the tassle that pulls the blinds up. I let him sniff it before he tried to bite the plastic bit. Goofy boy.
This is Phoenix's "oh, really?" face. Which pretty much means, "get the camera out of my face, mum, I'm trying to watch the goings-on outside."
Anubis, rather, likes to chew on the blinds themselves.
The cats were looking out the window, when I got the idea to put the camera flat on the windowsill and push it until they were both in the frame. Then, in curiousity, they bent over it and I snapped this clever picture. Hehe. <3
I suppose that's all the kitty cat pictures for today.

I'm Watching Bones

Therefore, pictures of our recent hike in the Elk Falls Trail.
This forest was filled with beautiful trees.
The natural frame in this picture is so lovely.
Okay, I put the computer away after I finished watching Bones and didn't finish this entry.
Here's another picture from that wander about in the forest last Saturday. I think the spots on the lense are kind of...unprofessional looking, but since I don't have an actual photo editing program (and most of the pictures I post on here are unedited anyway), I left them, and in the end I actually kind of like it. The drops remind me of a macro shot, and that makes me like this picture more, even though I'm already in love with it, the sunshine is so beautiful.
Again, another photo I find stunning...nature is incredibly varied.
Anyway, I'll do a bit of catch up now.
I was so worried that boyfriend didn't like me anymore cause he stopped texting me for a couple of days - we hadn't seen each other in a week and suddenly I stopped getting replies. I was worried. But we dropped by this evening to invite him to see a movie with us (line was horribly long so we stayed in) and all was good; his phone was dead and once it was charged he didn't put it back in his pocket. Whew!
I'm glad all was well; I really didn't want this to go downhill.
My cats are lying on the couch next to me, licking each other's ears. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. <3 I've got some more pictures of them..probably will do another entry tomorrow (because come on, the internet will never have enough pictures of cats).
I think that's all. I'm braindead but not tired yet so who knows, maybe I'll post again.