
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Lyric: "I want to know what it's like on the inside of love." - Not sure. Heard it on HIMYM
Quote: Robin: "Everyone else is acting all stupid and goofy and so in love. And I'm...not. Is there something wrong with me? Am I wired wrong? He was willing to be Hansel for me, and I couldn't even be Gretel! Why couldn't I be Gretel?" Ted: "No, you just haven't found the right Hansel yet. You'll find a guy one day who makes you want to act stupid. You're wired just fine." - HIMYM
Happy Halloween, Pheeny-bee :)

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