
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Raining Outside

No, not really, but it was pouring buckets earlier today. We turned off the lights today at work to watch it out the window. It was marvelous! From the window we can see the water, and the waves were crashing so hard it looked like they were coming up over the edge of the seawall. Of course, it wasn't, but it gave that illusion, and it was so cool to watch!
Anyway, I went grocery shopping earlier this evening and was promised a ride after an hour..well, I spent almost 45 minutes standing outside waiting in the cold. It wouldn't be that bad if I haven't accumulated a cold in the process of working today. Unfortunately, I now feel worse! Ah well, what can you do? Hopefully the cold medicine I picked up at the store today will help me feel better. And my migrane will go away. It's been stuck in the back of my head since this time last night. Nothing seems to make it feel better besides warmth, sleep, and quiet. Sadly that's hard to get in a house I share with someone else's family, and full time work that starts at 8:30 am.
I'm so unbelievably run down, it's dreadful. After a day of work and groceries, I'm completely exhausted and all I want to do is sit and watch tv or chat online with my friends. But, the good news is I have a long weekend this weekend and I'll be able to get some much needed sleep. I'm excited for that! But now, if you'll excuse me, I have a season premiere of House, one of my favourite shows, to watch. I can't wait to watch House again!
Until tomorrow, Un-readers.

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