
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So I did it...

I made my "relationship" official on my Facebook page. Bet you thought I had something more interesting to say, didn't you? Nope. Nothing more interesting than that. Yes, I know it's a rather simple thing to do, but my ex is on my Facebook, as well as several family members and coworkers. It seemed like a big deal to me. It still kind of does, since I'm just biding my time waiting for someone else to comment on it (though they do it privately, it makes me question whether I should have it on my Facebook or not in the first place). Of course, I don't know what I expected, but the underwhelming response to my "open relationship" status is kind of depressing. I mean...I thought SOMEONE might comment. And I guess someone did...three people - only one publicly, though, and another that wasn't even on Facebook; he texted me his response. Anyway. I guess it's on there now, and if I take it off, people will be confused. Or at least the ones that noticed will be, anyway.
Now that I kind of have a boyfriend, I'm wondering if things will change. I've done this before, but with the promise of an in-person visit in the next few months, I feel stronger about this one.
I will be doing my last full day in grooming tomorrow. Starting Thursday I'll have to start work at 7:30. Ick!
Well, I'm off to watch a movie, so since I'm being lazy today, I'll post a picture, but I don't feel like thinking of a quote/lyric.
Picture: Another forest photo I took that same day. I love the way the light comes through the green leaves!
Until tomorrow, goodnight, un-readers. :)

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