
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So Many Questions (4)

31. How do you feel about using humans in medical research?
If we have to use animals, we should use ourselves.
32. What does "copy cat" mean to you?
Someone who copies something of someone else's. Or, plagerism (a deep pet peeve of mine).
33. What do you think about quasi ghosts?
First, allow me to quickly look that up, because I'm not familiar with the term.
So I understand that a quasi ghost is one that you see when you are awake, therefore excluding dream sequences/visions. So my answer to this question is that I do believe in them; I have seen them before on a few occasions (though mostly when I was a child).
34. What does "holds water" mean to you? What is your first memory?
According to the online dictionary, it has to do with an opinion that is wrong. My first memory of something like this....would probably be in school? I'm not sure.
35. When did you meet your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
Grade 9.
36. Describe your typical day, from wake to sleep.
Wake up, hit snooze at least once, if not twice. Struggle to get out of bed. Stumble down the stairs, feed the cats, stumble back upstairs. Lock self in bathroom for 10 minutes or so to improve appearance, get hair under control, and take care of other morning things. Then I stumble back down the stairs and make lunch for us, and if there's time (depending on the number of snoozes), some breakfast. Then there's 7-8 hours of work. Then home, feed the monsters (cats), feed ourselves, then depending on the day, it's either relax with tea and The Big Bang Theory, or grocery shopping, or walking around somewhere. Then sleep.
37. What would be your ideal birthday present, and why?
I really don't know.
38. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, which would it be, and what would you do with it?
A tiger, because they're awesome, and I'd keep it as a pet, because they're awesome.
39. Think of a loved one that you have lost. If you could ask this person one question, what would you ask, and what do you think they would say?
Both my grandmothers believed they would go to Heaven. I would ask either of them if they arrived there, and if they did, what it was like.
40. Where do you think you will be in 5 years?
I feel like I've answered this one before. :/

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