
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Some experiments in beverage-making

I've been getting creative with alcohol. Making interesting drinks, I mean. I'm by no means a "mixologist" or a bartender, or anything like that. I'm just making new creations with whatever we have in our cupboard and fridge (and freezer, in the case of the vodka). Here's a couple recipes I've come up with on the fly (if there's something similar out there, I intend no offense).

"Watermelon Sunrise"
 Nmed for that pretty orange/pink/yellow color it turns when it's stirred then settled. I quite enjoy it!
1 shot watermelon vodka
1/2 shot raspberry sourpuss (or enough to get the desired color)
Fill glass halfway with melon/mango juice (can use one or the other, or mix two together; I use the melon/mango juice by Sunrype)
Fill remainder of glass with peach cider (for more alcohol taste) or ginger ale (for less alchohol taste). I like the bubbly effect this gives the drink without being too carbonated.
Stir well and garnish with any fruit you choose, I would recommend raspberries for the color. Add ice if desired, stir, and enjoy.

"Fruit Delight" or "Raspberry/Peach Delight" or "Raspberry/Peach with Melon"
I can't decide what to call it.
1 shot watermelon vodka
1/2 shot raspberry sourpuss
1/2 shot tangerine sourpuss
Fill glass halfway with any juice that has peach in it, I used the apple/orange/peach from Sunrype. Could also use watermelon juice here, or something that had watermelon in it, depending on if you want the drink to be more watermelon flavored or peach flavored.
Fill remainder of glass with peach cooler, ginger ale, or tonic water, depending on personal preference. If you use a different juice in the above step, using peach cider here will keep the flavor profile.
I then stir everything, add a piece of fruit to the edge of the glass for a garnish, and add some ice in to keep it cool and refreshing.

"Candy Dream"
Because when you drink this it's like drinking some candy!
1 shot watermelon vodka
1 shot vanilla vodka
1 pieces of any fruit in the bottom (I used pineapple, because that's what we had), let it sit there for a minute before you add the rest. The fruit absorbs some of the vodka flavor, so when you've finished your drink you have these delcious pieces of spiked pineapple! So yummy.
Fill 3/4 of the glass with any orange juice of your choice, I love MinuteMaid.
Raspberry sourpuss to taste, or enough to give you the color you want. You can also use tangerine or whatever sourpuss you want; we just happened to have raspberry.
Ginger ale to finish.
Ice and stir. Enjoy!

Yay, these have been fun. I would have had photos, but they were too yummy, and since I've created these over the past few days and didn't think about posing the recipes before now, so I didn't think to take pictures until now and my current candy drink is over half done. :( Sad panda.
But one of our friends gifted my roommate with her old camera (a major step up from my dinky little Nikon) so we've been taking pictures and doing shenanigans and general tomfoolery.
Here's a couple shots, I am quite proud of one or two in particular.
I like the tree photo because the sunset is shining on just the looks like a gradient!
Flowers draped with spiderweb.
One of my personal favourites - the dandelion puff.
Another favourite. A sneak peek of my roomate, holding a tiny crab. We did a few of these photos.
Me holding another crab. Just a wee babe, pinching my finger. I love this picture because you can see my finger is white at the tip where he's pinching! Photo cred to my roommate, RTH.

EDIT/ADDENDUM: So I just noticed after I posed this that this is my 100th entry! Holy cow. Thanks for not reading, un-readers!

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