
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Today was a glorious day off which I spent being wonderfully lazy until noon. Then I decided it was time to get off my lazy ass and go downtown, which I did, by walking to the bus listening to a mixture of Foster the People and Muse. The bus ride goes through a lot of the smaller areas of town, so it takes almost 45 minutes to get to the community center, and I spent that time gazing out the window while listening to a mixture of Coldplay and The Real Tuesday Weld. Of course, once downtown, I spent more money than I should have, and bought some movies and a cylinder of chocolate topped digestive cookies for my roommate. But, when you have random money that doesn't need to go to anything, and you're a compulsive spender like myself, what else can you do? I did have some extra tip money and that bought me coffee and later, dinner. Yay for grooming tips.
The evening was interesting as I did some video chatting with my dear one and did my best to ignore the little girl that lives in this house, as I was held up from seeing Paranormal Activity 3 with a friend to babysit her instead. Granted, I could have gone, but my roommate wanted to come too, and we couldn't leave the girl on her own. So instead I spent it chatting and texting, while watching a combination of tv and crappy children's movies. Anyway, I'm now happily watching Criminal Minds (one I've seen multiple times, but it's better than a bad disney channel movie about girls with Australian accents, one of which was an alien) and finishing this entry, which I almost forgot to do.
Lyric: "But baby, the bruises you gave me, they made me." - Bruises, The Real Tuesday Weld
Quote: A: "There's more to life than money, right?" B: "Sex?" - Texting convo.
Picture: The new portrait of the girl who's going to be playing Lisbeth Salander in the American version of Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".
Goodnight, un-readers! I'm glad I managed to get this entry published tonight after all. :)

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