
Welcome to my online journal! What I post here is not consistent, and it doesn't fall into any one category. I post about my thoughts, my dreams, lifestyle, and anything else I might feel like posting!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Change of Seasons

Today as I'm walking home from work I pass underneath the overhanging trees I pass every day, twice a day. Today, though, they smell different. It must have just rained, because for five minutes of my fifteen minute walk to and from work, all I could smell was the freshness of rain on pine. It was marvelous! All I could think of was my parent's garage at Christmas..before the tree comes inside. After a few days you get used to that gorgeous scent, but for the first days it's all you smell, and I adore it. It's one of my favourite parts about Christmastime!
My work day, however, was long and tiring, and at the end of it I felt great anyway! Maybe because it's Friday and I now have the weekend ahead of me. Of course, upon coming home, my kittens put me in a great mood. The little buggers aren't learning anything I'm trying to teach them. I hope it'll come with time.
Besides that, everything seems pretty good right now. I'm hoping to get together with a couple of my friends over the weekend, so that's exciting. I haven't seem them in a while. I guess I'll have to clean up our living space!
Lyric: "I must be out of my head, it must be something I said, so come on, I'll waste my life on you." - Out of my head, Mobile
Quote: "Michael! 'Love thyself.' Some Greek said that!" - Debbie, Queer as Folk
Picture: My little dork Phoenix at just a couple months old, striking a "classic" cat pose.
Enjoy Pheeny's baby picture! I'll talk to you tomorrow, un-readers.

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